Learn the basic theory and methodology of Ayurveda and learn techniques and practices to apply to your yoga and personal health choices to vitalize your life and feel more personally balanced. This CEU course for yoga teachers covers the basics of Ayurveda in a way that makes the subject understandable and easy to apply to your life. With a combination of lecture, practicum, and creative exercises both online and live, students will complete this module with awareness of how Ayurveda compliments yoga and lays the foundation for balance and health in life. 


Included in this course:

  • Ayurveda history and foundations as a Vedic system of knowledge that falls into an “Ashtanga” or 8-fold, classification.
  • Sankhya Philosophy and the basic theory / 24 principles of existence
  • Prakriti/Vikriti (constitution and imbalances)
  • Ayurvedic anatomy and physiology which includes
  • Gunas (states of mind), Malas (bodily wastes), Dhatus (bodily tissues), Agni, etc. And how all of these elements relate to each other and the three gunas
  • The five mahabuhutas:(five elements).
  • The Tridoshas and how they affect our energies
  • The Twenty Tattvas (Attributes or Qualities) that relate to all mater.
  • Subdoshas
  • Prakriti (Body Constitution) and how it affects our lives, our choices, and our yoga
  • Sattvic Living ( Purity for longevity)
  • Ritucharya (Season Routines)
  • Dinacharya (daily routines)
  • Ayurvedic Yoga - body type considerations when designing a yoga practice.
  •  Ayurvedic cleansing techniques 
  • Yoga postures and practices in accordance to Ayurveda theory
  • Marma point therapy and how to include this in the yoga practice

If students attend the Live online session Via zoom and complete the assignments included, they will receive a continuing education certificate for 20 hours that can be submitted to Yoga Alliance for CE credits.

Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction to Ayurveda - Part 1

    2. Intro to Ayurveda: Part 1 quiz

    3. Notes for Introduction to Ayurveda lecture with Dosha Quiz

    4. Introductin to Ayurveda: Part 2

    5. Introduction to Ayurveda: Part 2 quiz

    6. Assessment Notes - To print

    7. Essential Oils for Ayurveda

    8. Abhyanga oil tutorial

    9. Dinacharya

    10. Kitchari Tutorial

    1. Ayurevda & asana

    2. Kapha Practice

    3. Pitta Practice

    4. Vata Practice

    5. Ayurveda Asana Cheat Sheet

    6. Ayurevda Assignment

About this course

  • $299.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

About the instructor

CIAYT, ERYT500, Massage Therapist Denver Clark

Denver Clark is a certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), ERYT-500, Licensed Massage Therapist (MA89197), Reiki Master, RCYT children's yoga teacher and resident anatomy teacher as well as Director of programming at Heartwood Retreat Center in Bradenton, Fl. Her lifetime of experience in professional Dance, Performing arts, Yoga and Massage Therapy makes it possible for her to teach anatomy and posture focus with great detail and a little bit of humor, passing on her love of the human body to her students in Yoga teacher training at Heartwood. In addition to her life in Yoga and wellness, she is a mother, dance teacher, singer, sterling silver jewelry artist, runner and meditation teacher who lives in Bradenton, Fl.

ERYT-500, C-IAYT Ginny Shaddock

This is the instructor section. You can use this space to tell and show your students who you are and why you're the perfect person to teach the course you're offering. You can talk about your work and education history, and really anything else that shows off who you are so your students get excited about learning from you. You're the expert after all, this is your chance to shine!