Introduction to The Chakras
Journey of Discovery for Yoga Applications
We at Heartwood, invite you Join us on the journey of discovery as we take an introductory look into the name, meanings, symbolism and healing practices that can help us connect and heal our Chakra energy system.
Experientially, we will encourage you to connect to each Chakra’s energy by exploring symbols, mudras, mantras, essential oils and crystals, as well as healing crystal bowls, affirmations, asanas, and meditations. As we introduce these various practices, you may find some connect with your energetic frequencies more than others.Take what works for you, but know that there are many ways to introduce concepts, and many practices that help us as yoga instructors support the energetic flow within our selves and our students. It all starts with intention to focus on the Chakra energy centers, then choose your platform for growth and discovery.
Muladhara Chakra - Root Chakra
Muladara Journaling Prompts
Chakra 2 Svadhisthana
Svadhisthana Journaling Prompts
Chakra 3 Manipura
Manipura Journaling Prompts
Copy of Chakra 4 - Anahata
Anahata Journaling Prompts
Chakra 5 Vishudaha
Vishudaha Journaling Prompts